Resep: Donat Super Simple Yang Enak

Resep: Donat Super Simple Yang Enak

Lezat, Gurih dan Maknyusss.

Donat Super Simple. Meskipun pakai sedikit bahan, rasanya tetep enak dan cocok dibuat cemilan kamu dirumah aja( ^ω^) Glian Tika. Buat toping, sesuaikn dg bahan yg ada d rmh aja. In this video, you will learn how to draw and color a cute kitten donut step by step :) If you want to see more of my videos , click here : https://www.yout.

Donat Super Simple Homemade Doughnuts - Easy, Tasty & Quick recipe, Homemade Donut Recipes, Fried donuts Recipe. Donat ini resep dari mama tercinta. super simple, gampang banget. tanpa telur tanpa kentang ️ In this video, you will learn how to draw and color a cartoon bunny donut for kids step by step :) If you want to see more of my videos , click here : https. Menghias donat super cantik dan mudah - Duration:. You can have Donat Super Simple using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Donat Super Simple

  1. You need 500 gr of tepung terigu CAKRA.
  2. You need 50 gr of margarine.
  3. You need 50 gr of gula putih bubuk.
  4. You need 1 bungkus of fermipan.
  5. It's 1/2 sdt of vanili.
  6. You need 2 sdm of susu bubuk Dancow.
  7. Prepare 5 butir of kuning telor.
  8. You need 500 ml of air.

Maple Bars, Chocolate Glaze & Pumpkin Spice. Donut (Donat) JCo anti gagal super lembut enak lainnya! Dreaming about glazed donuts from days of your was this recipe's inspiration. We used staple ingredients that would be in your gluten free pantry to make this a super accessible recipe for beginner bakers.

Donat Super Simple step by step

  1. Campur semua bahan sambul tuang air sedikit2,jika dirasa air kebanyakan bisa dikurangi sampai adonan kalis&tdk lengket lg ditangan/diwadahnya..
  2. Aduk terus sambil di banting2,adonan tercampur rata&tdk lengket di wadahnya.
  3. Setelah selesai tutupi adonan dgn kain,diamkan adonan 1jam. Kemudian buat adonan kecil2/untuk per porsi.
  4. Siapkan minyak panas,adonan dilubangi tengah lalu goreng sambil diputar2 dengan sumpit sampai matang kecoklatan. Jika ada pakai cetakan donat agar bentuk lebih bagus😀😃.

Follow to the letter to achieve gluten free donut Nirvana. Today I am sharing a super easy donut recipe. Two or three ingredients is about all you need to make these beauties! And there are three different flavors of these homemade donuts, each as easy to make as the last: baked donut recipe. If you're looking for a quick and easy and perfect-every-time baked donut recipe, here you go.