Bagaimana Cara Memasak Chicken popcorn -versi cepet- yang Terenak

Bagaimana Cara Memasak Chicken popcorn -versi cepet- yang Terenak

Kumpulan Resep Ayam Goreng Pilihan Bunda

Chicken popcorn -versi cepet-. Make your own batter-coated, crispy fried popcorn chicken at home; this quick and easy recipe is sure to become a new family favorite. Siapa yang nggak bisa berhenti kalau udah makan chicken popcorn ala KFC? Mau coba resep cepat saji tapi di kenyamanan rumah sendiri, yuk.

Chicken popcorn -versi cepet- In a separate bowl, mix together. Our app consists of the best collections of Chicken Popcorn Recipes!. In a large, shallow dish, whisk the flour with the baking powder, salt, pepper, garlic powder and cayenne to combine. Bunda dapat memasak Chicken popcorn -versi cepet- menggunakan 6 bumbu dan dalam 10 tahapan. Begini cara memasak makanannya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk Chicken popcorn -versi cepet-

  1. Bunda dapat menyiapkan potongan kecil daging ayam sebanyak 250 gram.
  2. Siapkan tepung bumbu serbaguna sebanyak 2 bungkus.
  3. Olah Tepung roti (optional) sebanyak .
  4. Siapkan Susu creamer sebanyak 1 sachet.
  5. Olah Minyak goreng/ zaitun sebanyak .
  6. Bunda dapat menyiapkan Alat : box dg tutupnya, penyaring santan, bowl sebanyak .

Popcorn chicken recipe with step by step pictures , super crunchy and most delicious popcorn chicken like the KFC style. Popcorn chicken recipe - Learn to make crunchy kfc style popcorn chicken at home with this simple and quick recipe. Popcorn chicken is much popular in every part of. Hard to resist ever popular popcorn chicken, infused by Umami packed Karaage chicken flavour.

Instruksi Untuk Chicken popcorn -versi cepet-

  1. Cuci bersih potongan ayam..
  2. Masukkan tepung serbaguna kedalam box..
  3. Masukkan ayam. Tutuplah box tadi. Kocok-kocok hingga ayam rata dengan tepung..
  4. Tiriskan dalam wadah. Masukkan susu cair kedalam nya..
  5. Saring Ayam menggunakan penyaringan. Masukkan kembali ke dalam tepung..
  6. Sebelumnya, tepung boleh di tambah tepung roti.
  7. Shake-shake.. Diamkan dikulkas (kalau sya 3-4 jam)..
  8. Goreng dengan minyak panas hingga matang..
  9. Sajikan dengan pelengkap saos...
  10. Selamat mencoba....

Try my recipe with step by step photos What to season popcorn chicken with? What are the KFC secret herbs and spices? I don't know, because they're a secret, right! Our app consists of all these Chicken Popcorn Recipes: Crispy Homemade Popcorn Chicken, Homemade Popcorn Chicken, Crispy Popcorn Chicken, Baked Popcorn Chicken, Popcorn Chicken, Popcorn chicken, EASY POPCORN CHICKEN. Satisfy your KFC popcorn chicken cravings sitting at home with these KFC Style Spicy Popcorn Chicken bites that are so close to the real thing and are healthier!