Resep: Donut no bolong/ bomboloni Yang Menggugah Selera

Resep: Donut no bolong/ bomboloni Yang Menggugah Selera

Lezat, Gurih dan Maknyusss.

Donut no bolong/ bomboloni. A simple guide on how to make a special kind of italian donut, and how to fill it with a copious amount of nutella. Resepi ini sangat disyorkan kerana amat mudah Dan hanya menggunakkan bahan yang Sedikit. These naturally leavened bomboloni (doughnuts) are incredibly light, slightly crisp, just sweet enough, and delicious.

Donut no bolong/ bomboloni A bombolone (Italian: [bomboˈloːne], pl. bomboloni) is an Italian filled doughnut (similar to the Berliner, krafne, etc.) and is eaten as a snack food and dessert. The pastry's name is etymologically related to bomba (bomb), and the same type of pastry is also called bomba (pl. "bombe") in some regions of Italy. Neumann fills the donut holes with fruit jams or chocolate ganache, then rolls them in sugar and spices like anise and cardamom as soon as they come out of. You can have Donut no bolong/ bomboloni using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Donut no bolong/ bomboloni

  1. You need 500 gr of tepung terigu protein sedang.
  2. You need 280 ml of Air.
  3. It's 4 sdm of Gula pasir.
  4. You need 50 gr of margarin.
  5. You need 1 sdm of Ragi (fermipan).
  6. You need 2 sdm of tepung maizena.

Find and follow posts tagged bomboloni on Tumblr. Bomboloni or Bombolini is Italian filled donut. I have filled them with Nutella hazelnut spread, strawberry jam and cream pattiserie. Our Bomboloni Recipe is filled with our creamy and rich Vanilla Bean Pastry Cream Recipe.

Donut no bolong/ bomboloni step by step

  1. Masukan semua bahan kecuali margarin. Uleni sampai kalis. Setelah kalis masukan margarin, dan uleni kembali..
  2. Setelah kalis istirahatkan selama 30mnt sampai mengembang 2x lipat dengan ditutup serbet basah atau cling wrap.. maaf kalo aku ditutup pake panci serbaguna kebetulan pas sama wadahnya....
  3. Setelah 30mnt tinju bagian tengahnya agar udara di dalam adonan hilang..
  4. Timbang seberat 20-25 gr agar hasilnya kecil2. Atau sesuai selera. Kalo ukuran agak besar 35 gr biasanya aku dpt 30- 35 pcs. Bulat2kan sambil dicubit2 agar hasilnya mulus.tata di tempat yg telah dilumuri terigu, diamkan lagi selama 30mnt..
  5. Goreng di dalam minyak panas. Harus banyak ya minyaknya. Goreng dengan 1 x balik saja. Tiriskan dan dinginkan, baru di beri toping sesuai selera..

Jika anda perasan, sekarang ini viral satu resepi iaitu bomboloni yang sama seperti donut. Apa yang menariknya, bomboloni ini mempunyai pilihan inti berbanding donut biasa. Shutterstock koleksiyonunda HD kalitesinde Bomboloni Bombolone Italian Donut Variety Flavored temalı stok görseller ve milyonlarca başka telifsiz stok fotoğraf, illüstrasyon ve vektör bulabilirsiniz. Her gün binlerce yeni, yüksek kaliteli fotoğraf ekleniyor. The American Donuts, in Tuscany, are called Bomboloni.