Cara Termudah Untuk Memasak Old-Fashioned Donut Yang Sempurna

Cara Termudah Untuk Memasak Old-Fashioned Donut Yang Sempurna

Lezat, Gurih dan Maknyusss.

Old-Fashioned Donut. Find Old Fashioned Donut Coffee Now! Find Deals on Dunkin Donuts Old Fashioned Donut Coffee in Beverages on Amazon. The old-fashioned doughnut is a variety of cake doughnut prepared in the shape of a ring with tapered edges around it.

Old-Fashioned Donut Crunchy on the outside, cakey and tender on the inside, and laced with tasty cinnamon and nutmeg throughout, these homemade old fashioned cake doughnuts are the ultimate breakfast (or breakfast-for-dessert) treat. Follow these steps on How to Make Old-Fashioned Doughnuts to whip up a tasty batch of your very own. I crave donuts almost all the time, especially this amazing chocolate cake donut by Dunford with the best thick chocolate glaze ever! You can cook Old-Fashioned Donut using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Old-Fashioned Donut

  1. Prepare 50 gram of bread flour.
  2. Prepare 150 gram of cake flour.
  3. Prepare 65 gram of gula.
  4. Prepare 6 gram of baking powder.
  5. You need 75 gram of telur 1 butir + susu cair.
  6. It's 25 gram of unsalted butter.

But I love all donuts, yeast, cake, old fashioned, glazed, maple, chocolate. Give me a donut and you'll be my new best friend. In a large bowl mix the sugar, baking powder, salt and nutmeg. Add eggs, milk and melted butter.

Old-Fashioned Donut step by step

  1. Aduk bread flour, cake flour & gula sampai tercampur rata. Bread flour saya coba pake merk Komachi tapi bs ganti pake Cakra Kembar ya & cake flour pake Kunci Biru..
  2. Tuang telur +susu & butter yang sudah dicairkan. Campur rata dan tekan2 atau uleni, saya pakai scrapper dough atau kalo ga ada bs pake spatula. (Lakukan proses aduk & tekan adonan kira-kira 30x).
  3. Simpan adonan dalam plastic wrap ke kulkas sekitar 15 menit..
  4. Setelah 15 menit bentuk adonan dan iris atasnya (harusnya lebih dalam atau lebar irisnya biar lebih merekah gt).
  5. Goreng dengan minyak panas & api sedang. Angkat, tiriskan, & beri topping sesuai selera, saya pakai Nutella, tapi gak pake topping juga enak kok. Stay safe & healthy #dirumahaja yaaa :).

Fry doughnut holes until golden brown. Here in the ChefSteps kitchen, Development Chef Nick Gavin gets all kinds of nostalgic for the most famous of cake doughnuts, the old-fashioned. Old fashioned donuts are a style of cake donut that is fried. It features a crunchier texture compared to other styles of cake donuts. Cake doughnuts are made sweetened dough and they are leavened with chemical agents like baking powder.