Cara Untuk Menyiapkan Donut low-carb #keto Yang Lezat Sekali

Cara Untuk Menyiapkan Donut low-carb #keto Yang Lezat Sekali

Lezat, Gurih dan Maknyusss.

Donut low-carb #keto. Bread, Bagel, Brownies, Pita, Rolls, & More. Find Deals on Low Carb Doughnut in Bread & Pastries on Amazon. Tips For How To Make Low Carb Donuts.

Donut low-carb #keto Check these tips for the best keto donuts every timeā€¦ Use the right kind of almond flour. It's possible to make this recipe dairy free by replacing the butter with coconut oil and the double / heavy cream with coconut cream. I decided to go for a "sugar donut", because that's my favourite type. You can have Donut low-carb #keto using 13 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Donut low-carb #keto

  1. It's 2 butir of telor ayam.
  2. You need 6 sdm of tepung almond.
  3. You need 2 sdm of tepung kelapa.
  4. It's 1/2 Sdt of Baking Powder.
  5. Prepare 6 sdm of lakanto (aslinya, me gunakan tropicana slim 2 sachet).
  6. You need 1 tsp of xantham Gum.
  7. You need 4 sdm of minyak kelapa.
  8. Prepare of Wijen secukupnya (bisa skip).
  9. Prepare of Bahan glaze (bisa skip ganti gula lakanto aja).
  10. You need 1/2 cup of lakanto.
  11. Prepare 1 sdm of air.
  12. It's 2 sdm of minyak kelapa.
  13. Prepare 1/2 sdt of pasta mocca (skip aja, rasa jadi nano nano).

Obviously, I did not use real sugar, but granulated erythritol. How does a Krispy Kreme donut sound on a ketogenic diet? Now you can make a low carb keto copycat Krispy Kreme donut with this simple recipe. I know I didn't want to give up donuts on a keto diet so had to find a way to make a delicious low carb version of my favorite glaze donut from Krispy Kreme.

Donut low-carb #keto instructions

  1. Panaskan oven hingga 180-190 derajat.
  2. Mix semua bahan kering jadi satu, aduk rata.
  3. Tambahkan sisanya seperti telor dan minyak kelapa, aduk hingga rata dan kenyal.
  4. Siapkan tempat adonan donut jika ada, me gunakan loyang mufin kecil isi 12. Masukan gunakan sendok atau spuit jika bentuk donat, taburin wijen.
  5. Panggang hingga kuning kecoklatan, jgn lupa sering ditengok krn cepat matang.
  6. Membuat glaze-nya campur semua jadi satu pan kecil panaskan sampai mengental dan tercampur sebentar 5 menit angkat.
  7. Setelah donut agak dingin, celupkan di glaze yg masih panas. Dinginkan hingga glaze mengeras... siap dihidangkan.

The recipe can also be adapted to muffins, or made into a loaf as well. The recipe can also be adapted to muffins, or made into a loaf as well. Peace, Love and Low Carb - Low Carb and Gluten Free Weekly Meal Plans are low carb, gluten free, and keto friendly. All recipes include a color photo and complete nutritional analysis. Comes with a printable grocery list, snack list, tips for meal prepping and suggestions for substitutions.