Cara Untuk Mengolah Donat Home made Yang Lezat

Cara Untuk Mengolah Donat Home made Yang Lezat

Lezat, Gurih dan Maknyusss.

Donat Home made. Resep simple membuat Glaze home made You don't need super sharp culinary skills to make perfect yeast donuts at home—anyone can do it! Delicious homemade donuts Donuts Home Made By PatJi#PatJi#Home Made #Donuts.

Donat Home made Delicious, homemade donuts that are fried and topped with a delicious glaze making them irresistible! Learn how to make donuts at home with quick tips. We've also listed a recipe for donut poppers glazed with chocolate sauce. You can cook Donat Home made using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Donat Home made

  1. You need 250 gram of tepung protein tinggi.
  2. Prepare 1 1/2 sdt of ragi instan (fermipan).
  3. It's 3 sdm of gula pasir.
  4. Prepare 3 sdm of susu bubuk vanila.
  5. You need 2 butir of kuning telur.
  6. Prepare 1 sdt of sp.
  7. It's 1 sdm of mentega.
  8. Prepare 130 ml of air.

Mayonnaise is really easy to make and only takes one minute with a stick blender blender. This no-fail mayonnaise recipe tastes fresher than any store-bought mayonnaise. Plus tips on how to roll out your pasta by hand or using a pasta maker. Lihat ide lainnya tentang Donat, Makanan, Donat glaze.

Donat Home made step by step

  1. Siapkan semua bahan, campurkan ragi instan dengan 6 sdm air lalu tutup dan tunggu sekitar 5 menit sampai ragi mengembang...
  2. Kalau sudah mengembang, artinya ragi masih aktif.. selanjutnya siapkan wadah lalu masukan tepung, gula, susu bubuk, kuning telur dan air. aduk sampai merata...
  3. Setelah itu, masukan sp dan mentega lalu aduk sampai adonan menjadi kalis.. kalau sudah kalis, buat adonan menjadi bulat kemudian tutup dengan kain bersih dan biarkan selama 1 jam...
  4. Setelah 1 jam, ketika adonan sudah mengembang keluarkan udara dari dalam adonan lalu bentuk adonan bulat-bulat lalu bentuk menjadi bentuk donat dan tutup lagi menggunakan kain, tunggu sekitar 30 menit...
  5. Kemudian, goreng donat dengan api kecil.. balikkan donat 1x saja, kalau sudah kecoklatan angkat lalu hias menggunakan topping.. Donat siap dihidangkan! selamat mencoba :).

Lihat ide lainnya tentang Donat, Makanan, dan Kue cantik. Homemade bread-making is a real, full-time thing in the Caribbean. We can spend hours every weekend mixing and kneading dough to make some kind of bread in some form to feed the family. The Grand hotel Donat Superior is located in the heart of Rogaška Slatina, known in Europe mostly for the unique healing properties of natural mineral water called Donat, which is rich in magnesium. Home Made Simple is inspired by nature, designed for you.