Resep: Bomboloni Donut Nutella Yang Yummy

Resep: Bomboloni Donut Nutella Yang Yummy

Lezat, Gurih dan Maknyusss.

Bomboloni Donut Nutella. Bomboloni Recipe - Nutella Stuffed Italian Donuts - Duration:. These little "doughnut bombs" of Nutella are perfect to share with family and friends! I first enjoyed these tender doughnuts on the beach in Southern Italy as they were being fried on the spot and then filled with Nutella.

Bomboloni Donut Nutella I'm gonna share the yummy Nutella donut recipe today. Bomboloni are irresistibly light and delicious Italian doughnuts that are fried, coated in granulated sugar, and traditionally stuffed with pastry cream. A new crazy week has begun, and really the only consolation I can give you is doughnuts! You can have Bomboloni Donut Nutella using 11 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Bomboloni Donut Nutella

  1. It's 250 gr of tepung cakra.
  2. You need 250 gr of tepung segitiga biru.
  3. Prepare 110 gr of gula pasir/ halus.
  4. Prepare 1 sdt of fermipan.
  5. It's 1 sdt of himsalt / garam biasa.
  6. It's 1 butir of telur.
  7. It's 50 gr of margarin.
  8. It's 1 1/2 sdm of susu bubuk.
  9. It's 1 sdt of vanila bubuk.
  10. It's 160 ml of air dingin.
  11. You need of Topping (nutella dan gula halus).

Italian bomboloni are basically Italian donuts stuffed with Nutella. Usually like around Naples when you're going to a bar if you like bars and things like that to get coffee, you'll find these either stuffed with Nutella or with like cream like custard. My first experience with eating a Bomboloni was an evening out with friends. It all started out as a walk along the boardwalk and then a delicious experience with a soft donut, that was filled with a creamy vanilla pastry cream.

Bomboloni Donut Nutella step by step

  1. Masukan semua bahan kedalam wadah, lalu mixer sampai kalis, elastis (kurang lebih 20-25 menit).
  2. Setelah kalis, istiratkan 5 - 10 menit saja lalu bagi rata adonan sebanyak 50gr, bulatkan dan pipihkan sedikit saja pakai telapak tangan, agar adonan melebar..
  3. Istirahatkan adonan selama 1 jam (mengembang 2x lipat) tutup dengan kain / plastik.
  4. Panaskan minyak goreng dengan api kecil dan goreng bomboloni masih dengan api kecil saja ya, bolak balik nya jgn sering2 ya mom, jika sudah kuning atau kecoklatan langsung balik, agar matangnya rata dan juga menghasilkan white ring ditengah..
  5. Setelah matang angkat dan tiriskan dan tunggu dingin ya, setelah itu tusukan bagian tengah (white ring) dengan sumpit (jgn sampai tembus ya😊, boleh digerakan sambil putar2 sumpit ke kanan dan ke kiri, agar saat memasukan nutella bisa menyebar dan dimakan nya semakin nikmat..
  6. Masukan nutella dengan menggunakan plastik segitiga lalu taburi gula halus di bagian atas dengan menggunakan saringan..
  7. Bomboloni siap di sajikan🥰.

We went to one of the famous bakeries near the sea and had a warm just made Bomboloni. How to Make Nutella Donuts (Bomboloni alla Nutella) Step-by-Step. In the stand mixer fitted with the dough hook, combine the yeast and milk. Begin adding the butter, one piece at a time, and. How can I even begin to explain the wonderfulness that is a fresh Nutella filled Bomboloni… well to me they are little fried pockets of heaven.