Resep: Soft Donuts Yang Menggugah Selera

Resep: Soft Donuts Yang Menggugah Selera

Lezat, Gurih dan Maknyusss.

Soft Donuts. Light, fluffy, airy, soft glazed doughnuts!!! These may just be the best homemade doughnuts you will ever make and they are sinfully addictive! Is there anything better than hot deep fried dough that's just.

Soft Donuts Donut Soft - Make it sweet like a donut. Super Soft Doughnuts with Powdered Sugar Glaze is a doughnut recipe that you'll love! These homemade doughnuts are soft, yet crispy making the perfect glazed donut. You can have Soft Donuts using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Soft Donuts

  1. Prepare 500 gram of terigu cakra.
  2. It's 75 gram of gula pasir.
  3. You need 2 butir of kuning telur.
  4. It's 50 gram of mentega.
  5. You need 1/2 sdt of garam.
  6. It's 1 bungkus of fermipan.
  7. Prepare 1 bungkus of susu bubuk (saya pakai merk dancow).
  8. You need 250 cc of air.
  9. You need of Minyak goreng untuk menggoreng.

I'm excited to share this recipe with you today. We've tried many many different donut recipes. Who can resist perfect, soft and fluffy doughnuts? Especially if it is a freshly homemade, fluffy "One day at work your brother showed me a picture of some absolutely perfect-looking donuts you made.

Soft Donuts instructions

  1. Siapkan wadah. Masukkan air, fermipan, gula, garam, kuning telur dan mentega. Aduk sampai rata, kemudian masukkan tepung perlahan-lahan sambil diaduk hingga tercampur merata.
  2. Mixer dengan kecepatan rendah sampai adonan menjadi kalis. Setelah kalis tutup adonan dengan kain basah atau kertas roti selama 30 - 45 menit supaya adonan mengembang.
  3. Bentuk adonan yang sudah mengembang menjadi beberapa bagian kecil. Simpan pada wadah, kemudian tutup kembali adonan tersebut dengan kain basah atau kertas roti selama 1 jam supaya adonan mengembang.
  4. Panaskan minyak, goreng adonan donat hingga kecoklatan dengan api sedang.
  5. Biarkan donat dingin. Kemudian hiasi donat sesuai dengan selera. Donat siap dinikmati.

A wide variety of donut soft options are available to you, such as style. Homemade Glazed Donuts recipe makes light and fluffy donuts that are truly the best donuts I've ever The dough should be thick and soft, but slightly sticky. Eggless doughnut recipe or donut with step by step pictures. You too can make soft, light and fluffy with spongy inside donuts at home. DonutSoft Donut Soft - Padarykite jį saldus kaip spurgą Dėmesys žiniatinklyje / programoje. „Donut Soft" programa skirta klientų donuts valdymui.